
Filipino American Nurse Practitioners of Arizona




The mission of Filipino American Nurse Practitioner is to empower each Nurse Practitioner through mutual support, serve as valuable resource and nurture the development of new NPs. Committed to inclusivity, it fosters mentorship for aspiring nurse practitioners while providing culturally sentisive care. This cohesive group strives to make positive impact in the community and collectively works towards the betterment of healthcare and the well-being of diverse communities.




FANPAZ is a group of Filipino American Nurse Practitioners living in state of Arizona. They are dedicated  to serving their community and leading positive change. The newly founded nursing organization is a beacon of professional unity and advancement, fostering collaboration, innovation, and excellence in patient care.  They work together to provide quality healthcare and advocate for the needs of their community, while also promoting cultural competence and diversity in the healthcare industry. 





FANPAZ envisions itself as a dynamic, interconnected community aimed at fostering growth and support among Filipino American Nurse Practitioners. At the heart of our vision is the creation of a resource exchange hub designed to cultivate a rich ecosystem tailored to the unique needs of Filipino American Nurse Practitioners. This hub is complemented by an expertise sharing network, where seasoned professionals and newcomers alike can exchange knowledge and insights, thereby enhancing the care they provide to their patients. Integral to our vision is the fostering of a supportive community culture that respects and values the experiences and opinions of all members. This culture is underpinned by a commitment to empowerment through education, offering mentorship programs that enable aspiring Nurse Practitioners to reach their full professional potential. Furthermore, we aim to expand and enhance our community outreach programs through collaborative project opportunities, thereby broadening the impact of our work. Together, these key aspects form the foundation of our vision for a thriving community of Filipino American Nurse Practitioners.

Where the leaders of tomorrow are born:

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Phoenix , Arizona, USA



+ 602-739-0763

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FANPAZ first Heart Walk March 23 2024.
